This technology, Da Vinci robot-assisted Surgery is current for only a short time. Every hospital doesn't need one. Let other hospitals purchase other expensive technology and share. Then again if every hospital doesn't buy into this they might not sell enough to be profitable, and factory workers would lose their jobs. Is there anyway to win in this rat race? Watching this video reminded me of technology I see when watching NASA videos. Now which came first, the chicken or the egg? Did NASA (government funds) do the research and development of robots and the medical world tapped into it? Or is it possible the medical world did the research and development and NASA tapped into it? Did you know that when the miners were trapped so long in that mine in Chile, NASA was asked to come and oversee feeding them and monitoring their health? That's enough of me for today.
Sparkle Jars
Robot Assisted Surgery
Last week-end when Linda's son had surgery to remove a kidney and was back home the next day, wearing elastic waisted pants, and able to sit at the dinner table with the rest of the family, I was blown away. How could he do that? Now I know, Linda posted this YouTube video on Facebook yesterday. Now it all makes sense. I've been thinking about this since watching the video and have a few things I'd like to say. This is amazing technology and every town should have it available to patients. The danger I see in this is that now every hospital in town will think they have to have it or their patients will think they're a second rate hospital.

This technology is major expensive. My opinion is, that to keep health costs down, every hospital doesn't need to purchase such equipment. Many years ago the Santa Fe Railroad had its own hospitals for employees. My father used one. It was located in a town with a major medical center. To cut costs, the RR hospital had an agreement with the major medical center to do expensive procedures. The patient would be placed in a van equipped like an ambulance and transported to the major medical center. After the procedure, the patient would then be transported back to the RR hospital to complete their needed stay. It was a big cost saver for the RR. Why can't that be done today?
How do We Preserve our Children’s Souls
Okay, so we’ve pretty much lost ours. Our country has been spiralling downward into a cesspool of evil our entire lives, but it seems unlikely that it has ever been worse than now, and does not seem that it will get any better any time soon. So what do we do? The people behind us made the mistake of going to the barricades and then when victory hung bloody in their jaws, they retreated. They retreated. Thus, the enemy arose far stronger, and perhaps even more evil, than before. On a smouldering mound of the corpses of our brothers and sisters, our enemies’ victims, we may yet cling to some sort of narrow victory by our very fingernails, perhaps missing a limb or an eye. There is still, still much fighting to be done. And not simply the rhetorical armchair fighting by sycophantic sandwich-eating internet hogs such as yours truly, but actual fighting by actual fighters who believe as we do that the purpose of human beings on this earth is not to rape it and each other, but to coexist. Simply to coexist. But we must not make the mistake of retreating into our very own “me decade” like they did. We must behead the demon, fill its fanged mouth with garlic, drive a wooden stake through its heart, and bury it in a sarcophagus of solid marble. And then drop it down the shaft of an abandoned copper mine and seal it off with a bunker buster. We must make the very idea, the very whiff of the idea of our enemies’ ideology to be so repellent that future generations will flay themselves to avoid being tarred with the epithet “neoconservative”. How is that done? Go back to the archives and observe how they did the very same thing to the word “liberal”.
What Claims could You Have from a Rented Car?
It is always good to know your rights no matter the case you're in, more important or not, because only this way you can receive what you deserve against the amount you pay for certain goods or services. The same think happens when you rent a car. You have certain rights on the car and you can benefit from very many advantages if you know about their existence, so that you ask for them. When you call on a rent a car Bucharest company or in any other city in the country, firstly you have the right to receive a car that is in an flawless condition against the price you for it. The car should not be hit, all the signals should work, it should have tyres appropriate for the relevant season, it should be clean and with all due documents up to day. Besides these, that the rent-a-car companies are bound to provide you, you can also ask for additional facilities that should exist on the car delivered to you.

These are optional and most of the companies do not have them available, but, because there are companies that can provide them, you should not satisfy yourself with less. Therefore, on a leased car you can ask for snow chains if you'll travel in the winter on long or difficult roads. When the weather forecast changes from one minute to another, it is good to ensure to you'll be able to travel under any conditions. The car chair for children is another one of the additional facilities that you can benefit from to be able to carry your child completely safe. The GPS is an important item that could be made available to you when you rent the car to be able to easily reach your destination, even more if the city or country that you're about to drive to is unfamiliar to you. Hence, this is how from a simple rented car you can reach to a fully endowed one, secure and comfortable, by just becoming aware of the availability of these services in the offers of some of the rent-a-car big companies.
Luxurious Hypnotherapy in Abu Dhabi
In the United Arab Emirates there are plenty of hypnotherapists, but your initial experience and the best hypnosis you will slip into will be right when you arrive as all the luxury, beautiful landscapes and amazing buildings awaiting you lull you into a state of bliss. You may transform yourself with a real personal hypnotherapist in Abu Dhabi, or simply allow the culture itself to transform you. Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, has exciting commercial centers, the market place, and extraordinary delicious restaurants where you can taste a mix between Arabian spices and flavors, sea fruits and so on. Also, you can be hypnotized in Dubai with a perfect view of the city from one of the tallest buildings in the world. You can take a walk on the Palm Islands, now that the second artificial island is complete, or you can drink a coffee in one of the best cafeterias in the city.
In Dubai, another place you must visit is the hotel Burj Al Arab, which is a model of new and modern architecture. On its roof you can play a tennis match or simply drink a cocktail, because it’s especially made for relaxing activities. The beauties of Abu Dhabi and Dubai are of course the women you will see walking on the streets because of the elegance of their appearance, but after that you will be amazed of the jewel stores full of gold, precious stones and most important, natural pearls from the Persian Gulf. The two emirates, Dubai and Abu Dhabi, are ones of the most expensive, luxurious and beautiful places to go in the seven United Arab Emirates. Dubai was also voted to be one of the best places to live in the world and has a growing economy based today on tourism, politics, trading and so on. Abu Dhabi’s economy is based on rock oil production which is the principal source of founding.
Careful What you Wish For
A sexy, whimsical debut featuring the hunky genie of one single mom's dreams... Back in her tiny hometown with a new baby to care for, successful attorney Ravine Patton thought her life had gone up in smoke. Then her Diaper Genie went haywire, and out popped a handsome pilot who'd been trapped inside. Gene-who, it turns out, is her genie-has granted her three wishes. Lucky Ravine now has the gorgeous hunk scrubbing her entire house. But it isn't long before she starts falling for Gene, which means big trouble. Because once her third wish is fulfilled, he'll vanish from her life forever. And Ravine realizes she's going to have to be very careful about what she wishes for next. I'd really wanna have my own Genie in a Bottle after reading this.

This is a story about a lawyer-mother with a baby; the father was missing in action or should I say, he preferred to be in the shadows. In her struggle with being a single mom, she's having a hard time finding a husband. One day, she ends up with a genie and he grants her 3 wishes. On her last wish, she has to chose between her mother's life, or her love for the genie. She chooses her mother's life,and loses the genie. It would take her years before she could wish again. What's wonderful with the story is, she would be able to settle to a happy marriage soon. But with whom? This is a fun, light read and although the characters are kinda whimsical, you get a good feeling after realizing what you really wanted and wished for has been granted. Definitely a feel-good story. My rating for this book: is 4 out of 5!
Wolves, Cormorants & Condors
It's not easy saving the earth and its inhabitants. What happens when cormorants, protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act eat salmon and steelhead protected by the Endangered Species Act? The Oregon Zoo breeds Condor chicks and sends them to California. "The effort to restore the species, nearly extinct in the 1980's has cost tens of millions of dollars." Somebody came up with the bright idea of a multibillion-dollar Southern California wind industry. Would you believe condors and wind turbines don't mix? Will wind farm owners be held criminally liable if a turbine's spinning blades kill a condor? Condors are a federally protected bird. "Will banks and other investors shy away from financing wind projects for fear that the unauthorized "incidental take" to use the legal language of the federal Endangered Species Act, of a cordor could prompt interruptions in the electricity production, or even lead to the shutdown of wind farms?"
Then there's the on going story of OR-7, who's earned international fame for his travels across Oregon, into California, and headed now to Nevada. In 1995 it was decided to reintroduce wolves into Yellowstone park but the wolves didn't understand the boundary system. They moved into Idaho and now into Oregon. This has caused a lot of anger and hard feelings among those who want to save every wolf and those who want to kill every wolf. OR-7 separated himself from his pack in Oregon and went looking for love in all the wrong places. His travels continue to be of interest to the public but California and Nevada have no interest in introducing wolves to their states. California hasn't had wolves in 90 years and Nevada has never had wolves. Oregon wasn't interested either but they are here now. Now what happens? It's all tied up in the courts where it will be argued for years to come. As I said earlier, it's not easy saving the earth and its inhabitants.
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